About Us

NIILE Solutions is established in 2012 in Kundrathur, Chennai to offer TECHNICAL SKILL TRAINING, PLACEMENT, and INDUSTRIAL CONSULTING services. NIILE serves world-renowned organizations from Hydrocarbon, Power, Steel, Cement and Heavy Infrastructure industries involved in Construction, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance activities.

As a strategic expansion and aligning with the Skill India Mission, NIILE Solutions started NIILE TECHNICAL SKILL AND CONSULTING PVT. LTD (NTSC) near Kundrathur, Chennai during the year 2018. The objective is to train unemployed youth, school and college finishers and dropouts in various skill-based trades, which help them to get employment within the domestic as well as overseas industries.

NTSC training focuses on various Skills like MEP, HVAC, A/C, Welding, Fabrication, Machine Operation, Electrical Wiring, Installation, Marine Mechanic, and Civil construction skills such as Carpentry, Masonry, Plumbing, Bar-Bending, and a host of other trades for different industrial sectors. Also, NTSC offers customized courses for corporates on Behavioural, Leadership and Technical skills.

NTSC's facility complies with NSDC requirements. NTSC is accredited by various State and Central Government accreditation bodies like NSDC, KVIC, BSS, MSME, NIESBUD, OGSC, TNDS etc. The certification issued by these institutions help students in availing opportunities for job and entrepreneurship.

Skill Training

Skill development has been considered one of the critical aspects for job creation in India. India has unique demographic advantage with more than 60% of the population is in young age group. But to get dividend from such large work force, employability must be improved. As per current statistics only 10% of the fresh graduates are employable and rest of the 90% lack skills required for eligible to be hired by corporate. Here at NTSC, we provide the required skill training for you to achieve the required professional skillset for any domain.

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Corporate Training

Continuous employee training is essential. It enables your employees to advance their knowledge. Spending on your employees is very important to your company. You can improve on the basic skills gained in corporate training. This improves your business performance. When employees improve on what they learned, they can improve in their output. Your employees reflect on your business. How skilled they are is shown in your business output. Employees can bring more to the table if they know more. Invest in your employees' knowledge. In turn, they will do the same for their work. Moreover, you and your company will be the ones reaping the fruits.

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Consulting Services

Consultants provide a significant amount of value for an organization. They can help to develop strategies for growth or manage projects. Since consultants are not committed to a single firm, they bring experience from a variety of companies and industries, which allows them to offer creative solutions and enables "out of the box" thinking. They can provide an objective viewpoint, which allows for more diverse ideas than could be provided solely by employees within the organization. A consultant may have a higher level of business expertise than the average employee and can provide unique solutions for businesses. Companies may want to consider the advantages of the level of expertise that can be brought by a consultant, as well as how they could benefit from having an established strategic plan.

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Our Team

NTSC has a competent team of people from various specialities like Lean, safety, Electrical (Domestic and Industry), HVAC, HR management, soft skills, etc. The team is headed by,

  • Email: trsriram@nskillindia.com

Electronics Engr, 32 years of experience, Consultant & Trainer for Strategic Management, LEAN, TPM, SCM, QMS, EMS, SMS, 5S, IATF & Industrial Design & Layout

T.R. Sriram, Director

  • Email: sivasankar.vps@gmail.com

Mechanical Engr, 15 years of experience, Consultant & Trainer for QMS, EMS, Safety, NDT & Energy Management

V.P. Sivasankar, Director

  • Email: karthik@career-tree.in

Graduate in BusinessAdmn& PG in Social Work (PM&IR), 18 years of experience, HR Specialist & Certified Trainer in Competency Management and Balanced Score Card

S.Karthikeyan, Director

  • Align industry demand and workforce productivity with trainees' aspirations for sustainable livelihoods, by creating a framework for outcome focused training.
  • Build capacity for skill development in critical un-organised sectors (such as the construction sector, where there few opportunities for skill training) and provide pathways for re-skilling and up-skilling workers in these identified sectors, to enable them to transition into formal sector employment.
  • Ensure sufficient, high-quality options for long-term skilling, bench marked to internationally acceptable qualification standards, which will ultimately contribute to the creation of a highly skilled workforce.
  • Leverage existing public infrastructure and industry facilities for scaling up skill training and capacity building efforts.
  • Support weaker and disadvantaged sections of society through focused outreach programmes and targeted skill development activities.
  • Propagate aspirational value of skilling among youth, by creating social awareness on value of skill training
NTSC will be a leader in social impact by preparing youth and companies to rapidly scale up skill development efforts, by creating an end-to-end, outcome-focused implementation framework, which aligns demands of the employers for a well-trained skilled workforce with aspirations of Indian citizens for sustainable livelihoods. We at NTSC strive to deliver skills and knowledge that significantly increase our course participants' on-the-job productivity, thereby enhancing their contributions to the goals of their organization.
The Core Values of NTSC have a significant impact on the way our programs are developed and implemented.
  • A commitment to continuous quality improvement
  • Evaluations and innovations which are data driven (labour market information, fiscal reporting, and MIS data)
  • Customer focus (the customer is defined as participants, employers, and grantors)
  • Acknowledge the importance of teamwork (internal) and partnerships (external)


  • India's first technical school offering the career course with sate of art training facility
  • Center and State Government approved certification
  • Govt approved employment registered certificate
  • 100% practical & industrial oriented training
  • 100% placement guidance & Assurance
  • Multinational experienced faculties
  • Effective communication in English & Hindi
  • Career guidance and motivation classes
  • Online interactions with industrial experts
  • Individual student practical training
  • International valid certification

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