Lean Six Sigma Belts

Lean Six Sigma Belts

Defined as roles within some organizations, let's refresh our understanding of the different Belts within Lean Six Sigma. Belts signify different levels of certification within the LSS school of knowledge.

  • White Belt (WB): It is the basic six sigma certification level that deals with the basic Six Sigma concepts. White belts support change management in an organization and engage with local problem-solving teams that assist projects.
  • Yellow Belt (YB): A relatively new and evolving term. YBs demonstrate basic knowledge of Lean Six Sigma. Usually support a GB or BB project as a core team member or SME.
  • Green Belt (GB): Usually alongside a functional or leadership role. GBs are leaders responsible for driving operational excellence within their teams or functions. Through the real-time application of Lean Six Sigma techniques in process improvement and under the guidance of BBs, they manage Six Sigma projects from concept to completion. It is a defining growth and development criteria within most organizations.
  • Black Belt (BB): Usually whole-time professionals leading Six Sigma projects. They are experts in the methods and tools within Lean Six Sigma. Most importantly, responsible for providing coaching and Six Sigma expertise to Green Belts.
  • Master Black Belt (MBB): Expert in Six Sigma methodology and statistical tools. The MBB provides Six Sigma guidance and technical leadership for a specific function or department in an organization. Coaching, mentoring, and training Black Belts also fall within the ambit of the MBB. MBBs are the final authorities in signing off BB projects.
  • Champion: Upper-level manager who leads LSS strategy and deployment. Based on the objectives set by executive leadership, Champions ensure that all initiatives to lower waste and remove defects come together in alignment with a company's needs for growth. Aided by Master Black Belts, these managers mentor the leaders involved in LSS implementation and track their progress.