Mock Interviews

Mock Interviews

What is a Mock Interview?

A typical mock interview is a practice job interview held with a professional career counselor. A mock interview helps you learn how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies, improve your communication skills, and reduce your stress before an actual job interview.

Benefits of Practice Interviews

Practice interviews familiarize users with the interview process and allow users to practice answering common interview questions with confidence. Video practice interviews are particularly helpful in that you can review not only your answers, but your body language, eye contact, and interview attire.

How to Prepare for a Mock Interview

Be sure to take your mock interview as seriously as you would an actual interview. Get ready for the interview just as you would for an interview with a hiring manager:

  • Arrive 10 - 15 minutes early and bring your resume and any other materials you would bring to a real interview.
  • Bring a notebook to take notes on what your mock interviewer tells you.
  • Dress in professional interview attire.
  • Be sure all your technology is in working order when you're participating in a video interview.